Resilient Roots: Ecofeminism in Video Performance. Exhibition opening reception
Opening Reception: March 6th, 6-8pm
Join us for "Resilient Roots: Ecofeminism in Video Performance," featuring video works by six prominent Latin American artists.
This exhibition explores the connection between ecofeminism and contemporary art through video performance. The works address themes of environmental justice, sustainability, and gender equality. The artists reveal the deep relationship between women and nature, critique patriarchal and exploitative systems, and invite us to consider more sustainable and equitable practices.
This exhibition amplifies Latin American women artists' voices in the global environmental conversation and creates space for dialogue about humanity's relationship with nature.
Curated by Alexandra Trujillo Tamayo.
Artists: Maya Ponce, Regina José Galindo, Alexia Miranda, Rocío Soria, Alexandra Moshenek, Tzitzi Barrantes